Shah Rukh Khan recently celebrated his 58th birthday in style, and now videos from the event are slowly surfacing online. One particular video sees Ranveer Singh taking on the role of a DJ at the party. He was seen joining Mika Singh and playing some of Shah Rukh’s biggest hits, such as Zinda Banda and Chaleya from Jawan, as well as Lungi Dance.
In addition, he dedicated the sweet and adorable song Aana Mere Pyar Ko from Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa to his wife, Deepika Padukone.
Ranveer Singh became the DJ at Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday bash, he was vibing on SRK’s songs Zinda Banda & Chaleya from Jawan & Lungi Dance. In the end he dedicated Aana Mere Pyar Ko to Deepika Padukone, it’s so sweet. #HappyBirthdaySRK
— sohom (@AwaaraHoon) November 3, 2023
The video showed Ranveer dressed in a suit and operating the console, playing music for the guests who were dancing to the beats. Although his enthusiasm was infectious, we couldn’t resist feeling touched when we saw him singing along to Aana Mere Pyar Ko while gazing at Deepika Padukone.