JWST has taken an astonishing image of a baby star with powerful jets

Herbig-Haro 211

NASA’s James Webb House Telescope’s picture of Herbig-Haro 211

ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, Tom Ray

This new child star is blasting out a pair of extraordinary jets. The James Webb House Telescope (JWST) captured this picture of a Herbig-Haro object, which varieties when a younger star spews highly effective winds that smash into surrounding fuel and mud at supersonic speeds.

The thing, known as Herbig-Haro 211 (HH 211), is positioned about 1000 mild years away from Earth within the constellation Perseus. This makes it one of many nearest Herbig-Haro objects we all know of. The brand new picture is much extra detailed than any that astronomers have taken of Herbig-Haro objects prior to now.

That element allowed researchers to measure the pace of the outflow emanating from the star at about 80 to 100 kilometres per second. This may occasionally appear quick, however it’s comparatively sluggish in contrast with the outflows from some older, extra developed stars.

The child star on the centre of HH 211 is about 8 per cent the mass of the solar and much youthful. In reality, it is among the youngest Herbig-Haro objects ever noticed. Wiggles within the jets counsel that it might truly be a binary star, though even JWST isn’t highly effective sufficient to inform the distinction definitively.


  • stars/
  • James Webb house telescope