Is It Time to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons?

Is it crucial that the world remove all nuclear weapons? That was the subject of a dwell debate hosted by the Soho Discussion board on September 19, 2022.

Ward Wilson is the writer of 5 Myths about Nuclear Weapons and president of RealistRevolt. He argued that nuclear weapons have virtually no sensible utility, and it is time to finish world leaders’ fascination with their awe-inspiring energy. 

Peter Huessy, is director of strategic deterrent research on the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Research and president of his personal protection consulting agency, GeoStrategic Evaluation. He argued that we won’t get to nuclear abolition with out getting different nuclear powers on board, together with Russia and China, which each see them as important instruments of their overseas coverage agenda

The controversy was held on the Sheen Heart in downtown Manhattan, and was moderated by Soho Discussion board Director Gene Epstein.

Narrated by Nick Gillespie; edited by John Osterhoudt