Google wants to make its AI chatbot Gemini more accessible by integrating it into Google Chrome. You will soon be able to ask Gemini all your questions via the address bar.
Google is not the first browser developer to integrate an AI assistant. Microsoft preceded the search giant with the handy one integration of Copilot. Google also wants to make its AI more accessible in the short term. They do this through the AI to be made available on call via the address bar in Chrome. Users simply need to type “@Gemini” followed by their question to the AI.
From website to address bar
Currently, users still have to browse to the Gemini website to submit their questions. With the integration of Google’s AI chatbot in Chrome, this will soon be a thing of the past. The integration is not yet very extensive. There is no separate window like in Edge to open the AI chatbot directly. After asking the question via the address bar, you will still be sent to a Gemini web page. In short: for the time being, the integration does not offer many additional benefits.
Canary version required
To use the Gemini integration in Google Chrome, you will need to use the Canary version of the browser for now. This is a relatively unstable version of Chrome, mainly intended for testing new features. If you use Chrome Canary, you’ll find two new flags:
- chrome://flags/#omnibox-starter-pack-expansion
- chrome://flags/#omnibox-starter-pack-iph
Both flags must be enabled to use the feature. For now, the flags are only accessible for the desktop version of Chrome. It is still unclear whether the mobile version will also enable faster browsing to Gemini later. Only time will tell when all Chrome users on Linux, macOS and Windows will be able to access the AI via @Gemini.