While you download Spider-Man 2’s day one update, watch this recap of the story so far

Don’t worry if it’s been a while since you played the first pair of Spider-Man games, Sony has released a short recap to catch you up to date ahead of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

It’s been about five years since Insomniac’s first Spider-Man game, so it might have been a while since you last played it (unless you played 2020’s remaster). While Spider-Man: Miles Morales released more recently, it did also come out three years ago, so overall if you can’t remember the main plot beats, I wouldn’t blame you. But as you can see below, Sony’s “Story So Far” trailer should more or less catch you up to speed with everything that’s happened, just in time for the launch of the game today. Don’t expect it to go into too much detail, the video isn’t even three minutes long, but it does cover pretty much everything you need to know across both games.

Don’t remember what happened in Marvel’s Spider-Man or Miles Morales? Sony has you covered.

With the game now out, you can also download the game’s first update, version 1.001.002, which has added a few fixes and features. For one, you’ll now find a vibration setting which lets you switch between experiential, functional, or none, which you’ll also be able to do with your DualSense controller’s speaker mode. Those that need a bit of help with managing their health can now turn auto heal on, which simply automatically heals you when you’re under a specified amount of health as long as you have a full focus bar. And you can also turn on a high contrast colour to the perfect dodge to “improve visual clarity.”

In terms of fixes, as previously mentioned by Insomniac, the main thing was adding some polish to the game’s opening section, in particular to do with its visual fidelity, which has now been improved. There was also apparently an issue where “the player’s progression could become blocked during the suit tutorial,” but again that’s fixed. The patch notes also describe some general polish updates and improvements, but obviously weren’t important enough to detail.

If you want our opinion as to whether Spider-Man 2 is worth picking up, you should check out Dom’s review which handed the superhero game full marks.