Nightmare will shred your dreams

There are a lot of horror games coming out on various platforms at the moment. This can be totally expected as it’s around that spooky time of year. What might be slightly less expected is that not all of these are team-based affairs. There have been some absolutely brilliant offerings of late, (with more to come with games such as Phylakterion,) but there seems to be a definite leaning toward cooperative shenanigans. This absolutely isn’t a bad thing but some of you just want your flavor of heart-rending fear to be given to you in a solo excursion. If you happen to be one of these slightly crazy people I’ve got a brilliant title for you. It’s called Nightmare and it’s just made its way into Steam Early Access.

Nightmare is coming from the folk over at DiTMGames and, as I’ve just mentioned is a single-player survival horror experience. In this new fear-fest you’re being invited to take a trip into your nightmares, a place that, for obvious reasons, you absolutely don’t want to get trapped.

In Nightmare, you will find yourself in a terrifying dream. You must explore the environment of this frightening place, fighting ghosts and creating the items you will need for survival. Should you fail in these endeavors you will remain trapped in the nightmare forever.

To make an already deadly situation worse you’ll complete random activities you encounter on your journey. You won’t know, however, whether succeeding at these tasks will bring you closer to your goal of escape or push you further from it. In addition to this, you will be facing an unpredictable AI that will alter its tactics as you move through the game; becoming more aggressive and summoning helpers as it sees fit. Every escape attempt will be unique so you won’t be able to rest on your laurels.

If you think that an already tricky-sounding game is going to be a walk in the park for a seasoned horror fan such as yourself, think again. If you happen to survive your hellish dream you will be invited into Nightmare‘s expert mode. This mode reworks the core mechanics and logic and makes it a real challenge to reach that ultimate goal of survival.

If you’re looking for a new test of your sanity and nerve Nightmare is available over on Steam now with a lovely 15% discount. This looks like a brilliant way for you solo horror fans to get your kicks but if it leads to creepy dreams don’t say we didn’t warn you first.