Microsoft launches Outlook Lite app for Android in limited countries – Tablets and phones – News

I do miss that too, though I have FreeBSD and not even a Linux version will get there (unless it becomes open source).

MS Blocks SMTP/IMAP nowadays with standard authentication, you have to log in via their web hassle. Fortunately, Outlook on the web works reasonably well, it’s just very slow. Maarja.. Email isn’t something I’m working on a lot these days anyway.

Outlook for Android is indeed super slow, the database becomes too large over time, so you get notifications and then don’t see new emails because the app is still scanning the database. The mail will only appear after 30 seconds or more. If you then empty the app, it will be fast again for a while, only you have to log in again. And after a while it happens again.

I’ve had this problem at work with a whole fleet of devices that weren’t too fast (Samsung A-series). Of course I made a case at MS but they kept pretending they had never heard of it. While the internet is full of complaints.

I think they still have the problem, luckily I don’t have to deal with it anymore. I’ve always used Nine which works flawlessly.

[Reactie gewijzigd door GekkePrutser op 2 augustus 2022 21:59]