Letters: Worst to come | World’s solution

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Worst is yet to come
for people of Gaza

The head of Med Global said on MSNBC that “the war must be stopped” to end the death and injury of children in Gaza.

Yet the war has not yet even begun. Israelis have yet to attack on the ground as promised. America has Israel’s back. We will be partly responsible for what happens next.

I want no part of what we all know is coming soon to Gaza. They are not all Hamas. Israel must integrate the Palestinians, not kill them.

Robert Wahler
San Jose

World must solve
Gaza Strip problem

The Gaza Strip formed with dislocated Palestinians from the armistice between Israel and Egypt in 1949 is not a country or a home. It is a seething tempest of a forgotten people.

Restricted from trade, movement and any pursuit, it should have been no surprise that they would lash out. Two million people packed in an area just twice the size of Washington, D.C. No country in the Middle East wants them or will take them.

Gaza cannot remain as it is today. The people must be integrated with other Palestinians. Staying is not a choice. The only choice is where will they go. The world made Gaza. The world must fix Gaza.

Mark Grzan
Morgan Hill

Spending isn’t enough
to lower crime

“Spending to target smash-and-grab heists” (Page B1, Oct. 15) details future action San Jose will take in an effort to stop violent mob heists, which are increasing in many of our cities.

Hopefully, more criminals will be apprehended with these efforts, but that alone will not reduce the brazen behavior that they exhibit. Better efforts must be made toward requiring appropriate pre-trial bail to reduce continued stealing while awaiting adjudication of the current offense.

Further, those convicted of serious violent crimes must receive appropriate custodial sentences, which presently they may not.

If the above additional action is not taken, there is little reason to believe that there will be a meaningful reduction in criminal behavior.

Eugene Hyman
Los Altos

49ers loot profits from
season ticket holders