Letters: Russia’s direction | Workers for disabled

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Trump would drive U.S.
in Russia’s direction

Donald Trump greatly admires Vladimir Putin, but how many of us would like to live in Russia?

Given its vast natural resources, educated population and good infrastructure, Russia should be an economic powerhouse. Nonetheless, Russia ranks 52nd among the countries in the world in average per capita incomes, 100th in life expectancy, and 79th in self-reported life satisfaction. Even before the Ukrainian War, Russia had an emigration problem because many people wanted to leave Russia.

What Trump likes is that most of Russia’s wealth is in the hands of a small group of oligarchs while the rest of the population suffers. I prefer to live in a country that promotes the middle class, and I oppose Trump’s efforts to Russify the United States.

Samuel Knapp

Workers for disabled
also deserve a raise

Re: “Gov. Newsom signs fast-food minimum wage bill” (Sept. 28).