Emirates CEO warns: possible retaliation if Schiphol shrinkage continues

Emirates CEO warns: possible retaliation if Schiphol shrinkage continues

He points out that this happened last year. Then the American airline JetBlue threatened to lose the take-off and landing rights at Schiphol that had just been put into use due to the shrinkage. The American government then threatened to restrict landing rights for KLM at American airports. Shortly afterwards, the shrinkage of Schiphol was postponed, also due to pressure from Brussels. Other governments, such as the United Arab Emirates, could also retaliate, Clark said. “If you are going to obstruct, there must be reciprocal action on the national carrier.”

The new coalition parties PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB have not managed to make concrete agreements on how to proceed with Schiphol. As a result, the future of the Dutch aviation sector remains very uncertain.